divine revelation

美 [dɪˈvaɪn ˌrevəˈleɪʃn]英 [dɪˈvaɪn ˌrevəˈleɪʃn]
  • 神圣的启示;神圣的启示,神圣的新发现
divine revelationdivine revelation


communication of knowledge to man by a divine or supernatural agency
Synonym: revelation


  1. Our limited mentality cannot comprehend it , but it is a fact , and we must receive it according to the divine revelation .


  2. If you have the courage to do this , there will be a moment of divine revelation that will drop you to your knees !


  3. The whole system was based on divine revelation in the Scriptures .


  4. Chapter IV is about the dispute of divine revelation and rationality .


  5. He doesn 't want to appeal to divine revelation , why not ?


  6. The theological doctrine that human reason rather than divine revelation establishes religious truth .


  7. A system holding that all knowledge is derived from original divine revelation and is transmitted by tradition .


  8. The new religion is founded on the basis of reason , not on Divine revelation or miracle .


  9. It is held to be religious truth established by divine revelation and defined by the church .


  10. A theology that holds that knowledge of God can be acquired by human reason without the aid of divine revelation .


  11. Resurrection is no more irrational than any datum received by faith from divine revelation .


  12. The doctrine that all knowledge was originally derived by divine revelation and that it is transmitted by traditions .


  13. He came to believe that he was a medium for divine revelation and that he was a prophet of God .


  14. The self-realized and holy saint endowed with divine revelation will instruct you in wisdom .


  15. Since human free will , on the Arminian understanding , is independent of God 's plan , it cannot be a divine revelation , the image of God .


  16. Because it cannot be known apart from divine revelation in Holy Scripture , no one may bind our conscience with any law other than that revealed by God .


  17. We think all the terms should meet with unanimous agreement . the doctrine that all knowledge was originally derived by divine revelation and that it is transmitted by traditions .


  18. The books of Galatians , Ephesians , Philippians , and Colossians form a cluster of Epistles that make up the () of the divine revelation in the New Testament .


  19. The church was the interpreter of the divine revelation in Scripture , and the regula fidei was the hermeneutical context , but only Scripture was the Word of God .


  20. I felt like I might get a divine revelation by seeing a certain number ; a great coincidence could be interpreted as a message from heaven , Dr. Nash said years later in the PBS American Experience documentary A Brilliant Madness .


  21. Founded by Mani the sage , who claimed divine revelation and preached that he was the final prophet of God in the world , after Adam , Buddha , Jesus Christ and Zarathushtra .
